It’s that time of year again; as the leaves begin to turn and the days grow shorter, students across the country are getting ready to close out the semester. This means that there are a lot of students prepping for tests and exams. This time of the year brings anxiety, stress, and fear, but […]
Read MoreIt’s fall, y’all! Now that the weather is cooling down, it’s the perfect time to get your kids outside for some fun fall games. Exercise is crucial to a child’s well-being, in fact, children should get at least 60 minutes of exercise per day. Playing games is a fun way to get your […]
Read MoreAugust marks the start of the school year for most public schools, and with it, the start of after school care. For young children, starting after-school care can be scary. Day school itself can require getting used to, so the addition of a second school of sorts can feel overwhelming. There are new […]
Read MoreYou may have read gentle parenting articles online or heard the term in the wild while among other parents. Whatever the case may be, it’s become one of the biggest buzzwords circling the sphere of parenthood this year. The telephone-like fumbling of the term has led to many heated conversations between parents, grandparents, friends, and […]
Read MoreAs children are growing up, it’s important for them to learn about responsibility and self-reliance early Something that can help with this is chores. This comes with keeping their areas clean, taking care of their toys and items, and doing their part around the house. Some children love to help out and learn how to be […]
Read MoreTraveling can be a great experience for kids! New sights, smells, snacks, and things to do. It also can be a great way to spend quality time together and bond as a family. While there are a lot of positives to traveling with kids, it isn’t always cute naps and yummy snacks. Packing, getting out […]
Read MoreWith schools still doing virtual learning and jobs being more home-based, a lot of us can probably admit that we are guilty of evolving into a more sedentary lifestyle. Both kids and adults can testify that they get more sitting and screen time now more than ever before. With gyms, parks, and swimming pools limiting […]
Read MoreAccording to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the best time for children to start swim lessons is between the ages of 1 to 4. Children develop emotional maturity, physical and developmental abilities, and limitations at different rates. Children’s World Learning Center believes parents and their pediatricians can best determine the age children should begin […]
Read MoreThere comes a time in the day when perhaps you just need to get a few things done, but your child is following you around at the heels. When you ask them to go play for a little while, they don’t quite know what to do. Why does this happen? Since parents often teach their […]
Read MoreMany parents of toddlers have experienced the struggle that often comes along with leaving your child at daycare. As a child grows attached to their mother or father, they view daycare as a huge separation. There is no need to be alarmed; this is a normal response from toddlers who feel securely attached to their […]
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