According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the best time for children to start swim lessons is between the ages of 1 to 4. Children develop emotional maturity, physical and developmental abilities, and limitations at different rates. Children’s World Learning Center believes parents and their pediatricians can best determine the age children should begin […]
Read MoreChildren have been home since stay-at-home orders and quarantine have been enforced. But now that school is out, so is all the work and entertainment that comes with it. Trying to keep the kids entertained while working from home is also a challenge. Children’s World Learning Center is a kid’s place learning center that is […]
Read MoreAccording to the CDC, parents and caretakers play an important role in teaching children everyday preventive actions. The first and most important action to take is teaching proper handwashing skills. Hands should be washed frequently and always before eating. A tip for hand washing for at least 20 seconds is to sing the ABCs or […]
Read MoreThere comes a time in the day when perhaps you just need to get a few things done, but your child is following you around at the heels. When you ask them to go play for a little while, they don’t quite know what to do. Why does this happen? Since parents often teach their […]
Read MoreWhen it comes to two-year-olds, it is like speaking a foreign language. If you tell them to do one thing, they will probably do the opposite. With that being said, it is important to find ways to encourage them to cooperate while allowing them to do things for themselves. Here are some tips for two-year-old […]
Read MoreBeginning at about 18 months, your child begins to realize that they can have some control in their lives, mainly by defying what you ask them to do. The word “No” becomes their favorite thing to say. Their motivation to do things for themselves is wonderful, but there are ways to show your child that […]
Read MoreWhether your child is home from school or you are looking for some fun, educational activities to do on the weekend, you can get your child excited about learning no matter where they are. Child care in Greenville, NC doesn’t have to be the only place for learning. Try these activities: Learning Games A great […]
Read MoreEvery parent wants their children to be well-behaved, but it doesn’t always come naturally. Each child is different; some are born rule-followers while others are not. Teaching good behavior is a difficult process and it requires parents to focus on one large goal rather than the short-term goal that might be right in front of […]
Read MoreSleep is essential to good health. When children get the amount of sleep they need, they may have a lower risk of developing diabetes and becoming overweight, and they may also have fewer learning problems and attention issues. Here are a few more reasons why good sleep is essential to children’s’ health: Promotes Growth If […]
Read MoreChristmas will be here before you know it, so how do you choose which gifts are right for your child? You may think that choosing toys for children should be simple, but there is such a huge variety of toys on the shelves these days that it can be overwhelming. Here are some ideas on […]
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