As more studies are surfacing on the importance of early childhood education, we thought we would contribute to the conversation. At Children’s World, we are dedicated to not only providing an enjoyable environment for children, but also a specific, strategic curriculum that will engage and empower children. Neurological research shows that the development during early childhood is foundational for shaping lifelong traits. Humans being learning as early as the prenatal period before they’re even born! Children’s earliest forms of learning come from the bonds with their parents and their learning environment. These beginning experiences are extremely impactful on future physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development.
Children develop physical, cognitive, emotional, and social skills at an immensely faster rate in an environment that stimulates and encourages growth. According to studies, children introduced to early childhood education show higher IQ scores and better behavior once they reach elementary school. Additionally, children who were enrolled in early learning programs resulted in faster learning in their future academic studies.
Along with these results, children involved in pre-school programs also showed a stronger likelihood of completing high school, attending college, and demonstrating better behavior. Association with peers outside of the family are essential for social stimulation and foundation among children. The concept of cooperation is also an essential idea that is learned in early childhood programs. As children learn sharing and cooperation, they build stronger, more effective relationships.
Lessons delivered in a fun and exciting way can create a lifelong enthusiasm for learning among toddlers. The love for education begins with reading, writing, discovery, and nature, which all take root in preschool. Respect, teamwork, and resilience are all foundational elements of the values instilled during preschool, which, in turn, molds students to carry these values into their later years.
Early childhood education is normally the first opportunity students have to experience concentration and patience, which is also a paramount skill to have learned at an early age. Due to the importance of childhood education and its impact on children’s lives, we strongly encourage you to explore the best option to prepare your child for lifelong success. Contact Children’s World Learning Center to change your child’s life!
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