Raising your first child is a challenging, exciting experience that will teach you many new things. It can also be confusing and frustrating. While you are doing the best you can, you may find yourself wishing that parenting came with an instruction manual. Here are a few things to know when raising a toddler: No […]
Read MoreReading to your children comes with countless benefits, helping them to grow smarter with each book. As a parent, you can help your child form good reading habits by introducing them to books early, whether they are just a baby or in preschool. Creating a loving environment around reading will help condition children’s minds to […]
Read MoreEvery parent wants their children to be well-behaved, but it doesn’t always come naturally. Each child is different; some are born rule-followers while others are not. Teaching good behavior is a difficult process and it requires parents to focus on one large goal rather than the short-term goal that might be right in front of […]
Read MoreSleep is essential to good health. When children get the amount of sleep they need, they may have a lower risk of developing diabetes and becoming overweight, and they may also have fewer learning problems and attention issues. Here are a few more reasons why good sleep is essential to children’s’ health: Promotes Growth If […]
Read MoreChristmas will be here before you know it, so how do you choose which gifts are right for your child? You may think that choosing toys for children should be simple, but there is such a huge variety of toys on the shelves these days that it can be overwhelming. Here are some ideas on […]
Read MoreThe holidays are a time for visiting family and friends that you don’t see often. Whether you are planning a long drive or a flight across the states, traveling during the holidays is never a simple task. There will always be traffic on the roads and airports are likely to be crowded. The most important […]
Read MoreTaking a time-out is many parents’ go-to punishment when their child is acting up. Have you ever noticed that sometimes it simply does not work? Parents often make mistakes that can reduce the success of time-outs. Here’s what not to do: Giving Attention Did you know that the term “time-out” was originally short for “time-out […]
Read MoreEffective discipline is one of the most frustrating parenting tasks as children test boundaries day after day. Yes, discipline helps children learn not to engage in aggressive, dangerous, or inappropriate behavior, but the responsibility falls on the parent as well. It is the parent’s job to follow through with consequences when set rules are broken. […]
Read MoreThe toddler stage can feel like a battlefield. Your child is happy-go-lucky one minute and having a tantrum the next. Every parent experiences this and it can surely be stressful. Here’s what pediatricians recommend: Let Go of Rules During the toddler years, children are working on becoming more independent. If you lay out too many […]
Read MoreHalloween is many children’s favorite holiday: buckets full of candy, fun costumes, spooky decorations, pumpkin carving, and more. All that fun can go down the drain with a costume that doesn’t fit quite right or a belly ache from too much candy. For an enjoyable Halloween, follow these tips: Choose the Right Costume Simple costumes […]
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