According to the CDC, parents and caretakers play an important role in teaching children everyday preventive actions. The first and most important action to take is teaching proper handwashing skills. Hands should be washed frequently and always before eating. A tip for hand washing for at least 20 seconds is to sing the ABCs or Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Make sure to use warm water and hand soap! Though these skills are taught at kid’s place learning centers, it should be reinforced at all times.
Physical movement contributes to overall health. Daycares in Greenville, NC recommend at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day. Whether it be a walk or a bike ride, physical activity is important for childhood development. Children’s World Learning Center encourages children to play outdoors daily. Indoor activities such as stretching and dancing can be done throughout the day to help your child maintain focus and health.
Reach out to friends and family through video chats and phone calls. A great activity for children is writing. Have your kids write cards or letters to family members they may not be able to visit. We still need support from others, and smiles and laughter work wonders for our mental health. Kid’s place learning centers such as Children’s World Learning Center know the importance of emotional connections for children and parents. If parents are feeling extreme stress or anxiety, reach out to your doctor or your child’s pediatrician for counseling resources. You will be better able to take care of your children if you are taken care of as well.
At Children’s World Learning Center, we know that the early years of life matter because early experiences affect the brain. As a child’s brain grows, the quality of the experiences that a child has creates either a sturdy or fragile foundation for all of the development and behaviors that follow. Parents want to make educated choices for their families, and getting things right the first time is better than trying to fix them later. Contact us today!
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