Organization skills are one of the most important things you can teach your child. It is what will allow them to make better decisions in the future, learn how to plan out their time, and one of the more basic things, keep things tidy. Some parents have a harder time than others trying to teach their kids these things, and grant it, even as adults it can sometimes be difficult. But we’re going to tell you a few tasks you can give your child so that they can start learning some basic organizational skills.
It depends on what you do already, let’s say that in your household you do laundry on Wednesdays. If that is the case, let your child in on that routine so that they can learn important planning skills. This will help them in the future when planning things out in college or when they are living by themselves. Thinking ahead leads to less stress which leads to a happier life!
Free time, if not used appropriately, can actually be detrimental. Especially when in college. They have to learn how to plan out their time accordingly so that they can attend class and also study, but also make time for friends. You can start doing this by working with them to create a schedule. The schedule can include homework time, tv time, time to get ready for bed, practice hobbies, among other things that you think are necessary.
After creating this schedule try it out for a week and then get back together and talk about the results. Maybe some things took less time to complete, or others took more time, so fix things as needed. Who knows, you might get something out of this too!
Paper or hang-up calendars were great to use, but nowadays everything is technology. Teaching them how to use both an electronic and classic calendar is a good way for them to see their daily tasks in person, but also having one that they can look at when they are away from home. Put in any appointments, piano lessons, due dates, and even chores to make sure that they are complete.
The good thing about using an electronic calendar is that you can also put yours on there and sync it up with theirs. That way they can see that you are making use of it too.
So what do you think? Have you tried these tactics before? Hopefully, these activities will be beneficial not only for your child but maybe for you as well! Having organizational skills is super important for their life, but also as future professionals.
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